

I offer unique, transformative sessions, and am available for speaking engagements, sound healing and retreat facilitation & private events worldwide.

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contact info:

private events  |  speaking  |  sound healing  |  retreat facilitation

 I’m here for those who want it all. Together we'll discover the way that’s most aligned for you. 

Workshops, Meditations, Activations and/or Shamanic Journeywork

Retreat Facilitation

Bringing a state of deep peace and relaxation

sound healing

Light Language, Self Expression

Intuition, Spirit Guides,


Light Language?

To me, Light Language is an elixir of the soul.

It liberates stagnant energy, reactivating and awakening dormant DNA to enhance your state of being.

It is a neo-ancient technology that speaks directly to the parts of you that need it most.

It requires no direction… simply an open heart, a willingness to receive or a powerful intention.

Much like plant medicine, it will go where it needs to go and take you where you most need to journey.

It transcends the constructs of the human mind. Not so much being understood intellectually, yet it is most certainly felt.


When we surrender fully into our heart space, we can receive the true nature and potency of this healing frequency. This energy that transcends linear time for our highest alignment.
For its ability to transmute anything to the frequency of love.

Light Language helps us to get out of our minds and into our bodies. Feeling the full rapture, pleasure and divinity of this human experience.

It can take us out into the ethers, across all time and space. Journeying with past and future lifetimes, connecting with the entire cosmos.

While also having the ability to ground us, here, into this human experience. Inviting us to surrender into the presence of now.

It is a language that connects us all because it is understood by us all. Even if you don’t consciously feel that way, there’s a part of you that does.

It takes you to places you didn’t know existed… yet, feel so familiar. A remembrance. Codes and keys that unlock the pathways to who you really are.

Forgotten parts are unearthed, reclaimed and integrated through this sacred language of light.

What is

elixir of the soul

I believe that Light Language will be increasingly recognised & utilised over the coming years for its healing capacity.

about         audience


Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, CEOs and Executives who feel like something is missing or OFF. Perhaps feeling out of alignment, lacking inspiration, energy or just know something needs to shift but unsure of exactly what it is.

They are successful in their chosen field and from the outside, everything looks pretty perfect. Internally however, they’re not feeling anywhere near as fulfilled as they know they could be.

age range:






Podcasts, Interviews & Online Summits

A few places Narelle has been featured include: 

also available for

"Incredibly articulate, entertaining and inspiring!"

 "A high-value guest with innate awareness of the listener's potential blocks and who generously offers tangible tools and solutions for them to apply in their own lives. She shares her message, immense wisdom and powerful insights with humility and grace. I wholeheartedly recommend Narelle as an impactful contributor, speaker and educator."

"The feedback we have received from our listeners is why we keep getting her back in..."

...they love her and resonate with her understanding of current energies and how to navigate these changing times. We have been so honoured to have had Narelle join us on our Girl Awakening podcast. She is so certain in her understanding of the world around us and her wisdom is beyond her years.