Narelle Clyde






A Certified Coach + Shamanic Practitioner, Transformative Energy Healer, #1 Bestselling Author, Light Language Artist - and Brit living in Australia’s glorious Gold Coast.

I’m the Creator of the Light Release Method™ and I’ve been leading world class coaching, online courses, and life changing retreats for the past 7+ years. I’m committed to supporting you in your next level breakthrough to create lasting positive change.

I'm Narelle.

Welcome in,

Master your intuition, connect to your spirit guides & say f*ck yes to your extraordinary life!

 remember who you are.

 I'm here to help you


“I was so VERY skeptical of the Light Language to start off with thinking it was a bit too far out of my comfort zone.

I was so wrong, the nervous system meditation is my favourite and it is because the light language really works. I have suffered with extreme anxiety and panic attacks for 10 years with little help when I can feel one coming on. The light language in the meditation instantly dissipates the rise of the attack, something that I have only been able to achieve with instant release medication in the past. I would not leave the house without it in my bag. I now no longer carry it.”

“Narelle’s light language speaks to your soul...’s very special, it brings out emotions in me that I didn't think I could shift. When needing to release something that I'm holding onto I actually felt it dissipate and I felt so much lighter after.”  

“Narelle is pure magic! 💫

I didn’t really know what to expect when I decided to take the leap and join this program, I just knew it felt right! Narelle made me feel safe. To be honest, open and to truly express myself, right from the start. Her energy created a space for me where I could dig deep and connect on a soul level. Narelle Encouraged and guided me through any blocks, with no judgement, just pure Love and light... & I can’t count how many times she answered a question before I even asked it! She really is gifted and I will be forever grateful for the divine light she has brought into my life.”

To me, Light Language is an elixir of the soul.

It liberates stagnant energy, reactivating and awakening dormant DNA to enhance your state of being.

It is a neo-ancient technology that speaks directly to the parts of you that need it most.

It requires no direction… simply an open heart, a willingness to receive or a powerful intention.

Much like plant medicine, it will go where it needs to go and take you where you most need to journey.

It transcends the constructs of the human mind. Not so much being understood intellectually, yet it is most certainly felt.


When we surrender fully into our heart space, we can receive the true nature and potency of this healing frequency. This energy that transcends linear time for our highest alignment.

Light Language?

What is


Get those zen-like “I’m on day 4 holiday vibes” in less than 8 minutes.

 Guided Meditation


Calm Your Nervous System

for rapid Relaxation